July Garden Tips

July Garden Tips Well, summer has arrived, and we are already counting down the days until Fall. It is hot and humid, and let’s face it, who wants to do yard work right now? While it may be easy to neglect your yard, these summer months are the most important. Continue reading for all of

Tomato Planting Tips

Tomato Planting Tips Who doesn’t love fresh from the vine tomatoes to complete your summer BLT or dinner salad? Tomatoes are a staple of summer, just like strawberries and watermelon. If you are one to grow your own vegetables, then it is imperative to know how to grow them in your climate. Continuing reading to

Preparing Houseplants for Winter

Preparing Houseplants for Winter If you are like most houseplant owners, you probably moved your houseplants outdoors during the growing season to allow them to soak up more sun and moisture. Your plants have flourished and given you so much new growth, but now it is time to bring them indoors for the winter. Continue

Silver Satin Pothos Care Tips

Silver Satin Pothos Care Tips Knowing how to care for your houseplants is half the battle! It is important to understand the needs of each plant. Keep reading to learn the Silver Satin Pothos care tips that will keep your plant alive and thriving! Silver Satin Pothos Known for its variegated, silvery leaves, the Silver

Winter Pest Management

Winter Pest Management What are pesticides? Pesticides, or commonly called insecticides, are substances that may help in controlling pests and insects. There are two different types of insecticides that can be used to aid in the prevention or maintenance of insect infestations. Contact and systemic insecticides are the two forms that can be used. Continue