June Garden Tips
Ready or not, June is here! And with a new month comes more garden chores to keep your yard thriving! Continue reading to learn our most recommended June garden tips!
It is time to deadhead!
As the summer continues, you may notice that some of your flowers look tired and have stopped producing blooms. Now is an excellent time to deadhead! Deadheading, or removing old and spent flowers, promotes new growth and new blooms! Cut off the dead flower about 1/2 – 1 inch below the bloom when deadheading. Completing this simple task will prolong the life of your annuals and perennials!
Pests & Fungus in June
Summer is also the time for pests and fungi to appear! It is essential to check your plants and trees with regularity so that you can treat these problems. Look for fungi, Japanese beetles, aphids, bagworms, and mealybugs.
Adequate Water
Ensuring that your newly installed plants receive ample water is imperative to the plant’s survival. While it may be raining right now, be mindful of the amount of rain we receive. We recommend investing in a rain gauge, as this is the only way to know how much rain you have received.
Weed Control
With rain and warmer temperatures come weeds — and plenty of them! Pulling them is always an option if you don’t have too many weeds. If you prefer treating them, use Round-Up, or a vinegar mixture of vinegar, salt, and dish soap.
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